Testing Window: TBD
Accommodations: Automatically provided by the school for all students taking this test
Who takes this test?
All students take the Reading MCA in 10th grade, and the Math MCA as well as the Science MCA in 11th grade, unless they have qualified to take the MTAS alternative assessment.
How is this test administered?
This is a computerized test that takes place in small computer labs. Students have as much time as necessary to take the test, and can take breaks if necessary. The program allows students to click on a question if they need it read as well.
What do the scores mean?
The first number (or two) refers to the grade when the student took the test, and the second number indicates the score they received on the test. A score of 50 or above qualifies as Meets the Standard, a score of 35-49 qualifies as Partially Meets the Standards, and a score below 35 Does Not Meet The Standard. So a student with a reading score of 1058 (10th grade, score of 58) would Meet the Standard while a student with a Math MCA score of 1137 (11th grade, score of 37) would only Partially Meet the Standard.
Testing Window: TBD
Accommodations: Automatically provided by school for all students taking this test
Who takes this test?
The Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) is an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Students take the Reading MTAS in 10th grade, and the Math MTAS as well as the Science MTAS in 11th grade.
How is this test administered? This test is individually administered by a special education teacher and consists of 15 questions for which students are provided 3 answer cards from which they can select their response.
What do the scores mean?
The benchmarks for Meets the Standard, Partially Meets the Standard, and Does Not Meet the Standard, are set by the state and can fluctuate based on the skills of the students being tested. See your individual student's scores for further information.