• Resource for Independent Living Classes
    Resource Independent Living (RIL) classes are for students with significant learning needs to the extent that content area instruction is delivered with functional skills incorporated. These students are working on skills necessary for independent living.

    Resource Independent Living (RIL) Math I
    Prerequisite/Selection Process: IEP team recommendation
    Intended Audience: Students with IEP in grades 9-12
    Credit: Up to three trimesters = .5 credit per trimester
    Major Outcomes:
    • Daily living math skills
    Instructional Focus: Taught by a SPED teacher with individualized instruction

    Resource Independent Living (RIL) Math II
    Prerequisite/Selection Process: IEP team recommendation
    Intended Audience: Students with IEP in grades 9-12
    Credit: Up to three trimesters = .5 credit per trimester
    Major Outcomes:
    • Advanced daily living math skills
    Instructional Focus: Taught by a SPED teacher with individualized instruction

    Resource Independent Living (RIL) English I
    Prerequisite/Selection Process: IEP team recommendation
    Intended Audience: Students with IEP in grades 9-12
    Credit: Up to three trimesters = .5 credit per trimester
    Major Outcomes:
    • Basic reading skills
    • Basic writing skills
    Instructional Focus: Taught by a SPED teacher with individualized instruction and hands-on activities
    Resource Independent Living (RIL) English II
    Prerequisite/Selection Process: IEP team recommendation
    Intended Audience: Students with IEP in grades 9-12
    Credit: Up to three trimesters = .5 credit per trimester
    Major Outcomes:
    • Advanced reading skills
    • Advanced writing skills
    Instructional Focus: Taught by a SPED teacher with individualized instruction and hands-on activities
    Resource Independent Living (RIL) Community Experience
    Prerequisite/Selection Process: IEP team recommendation
    Intended Audience: Students with IEP in grades 9-12
    Credit: Up to three trimesters = .5 credit per trimester
    Major Outcomes:
    • Development of skills needed in community settings
    Instructional Focus: Taught by a SPED teacher with individualized instruction

    Resource Independent Living (RIL) Vocational Skills
    Prerequisite/Selection Process: IEP team recommendation
    Intended Audience: Students with IEP in grades 9-12
    Credit: Up to three trimesters = .5 credit per trimester
    Major Outcomes:
    • Introduction to various job areas
    • Development of vocational skills
    Instructional Focus: Taught by a SPED teacher with individualized instruction