Special Education Itinerant Service Providers
The IEP team determines which services should be included in a student's IEP
Typically meets with students for 30 minutes 8 times/trimester
Typically meets with students for 30 minutes a week
Typically meets consults with a student, their case manager and teachers several times each trimester about how to best meet students needs
Physical Therapist (PT)
Typically meets consults with a student, their case manager and teachers several times each trimester about how to best meet students needs
Typically meets weekly with a group of students for an hour each week during PAWS.
Typically meets with a student 9 times each trimester for 20 minutes
Typically meets with students daily to dispense medication, or as needed, based on individual circumstances
Typically consults with a student, their case manager and teachers once each trimester about how to best meet student needs
Typically consults with a student, their case manager and teachers once each trimester about how to best meet students needs
Typically consults with a student, their case manager and teachers once each trimester about how to best meet students needs