• 4-Year College or University
    There are many colleges and universities across the United States offering a variety of programs and experiences for students interested in pursuing a bachelors degree.  Students may want the experience of living on their own, and can choose from large state colleges or universities to small private colleges or universities depending on their personalities and interests.  Students must apply for admission at the institution of their choice in the fall/winter of their senior year, but all will require the following:
    Students interested in going to a 4-year college or university will need to not only graduate from high school, but also closely watch their GPA and class rank since these will be a factor in the admission decision for most institutions. Students who extend themselves and take Honors or AP classes may also have an advantage over students who don't take advantage of those opportunities.
    Students can register online take the ACT test. Students who want to take the ACT test with accommodations should contact their case manager prior to the application deadline for the test they are registering to take. Please see the ACT website for details and deadlines.
    All colleges and universities will ask for a high school transcript.  Students should visit the counseling office to pay for and send a transcript to each institution to which they are applying for admission.
    The career center is open every Tuesday evening from 5:00-7:00 PM during the school year for students and parents to visit as they plan for college.  Stephanie Nibbe, our career counselor, will be available then to support students and their families and answer questions.
    Collect letters of recommendation
    Many colleges and universities will ask for letters of recommendation.  Students may want to ask their teachers, counselor or administrator for a letter of recommendation.  These will be completed in Naviance and made available to the colleges and universities designated by the student. 
    For further information about how colleges will support students with disabilities, please refer to the Post-Secondary Resource Guide provided by local colleges and universities in the MNSCU system.