Gap Year Programs
Gap Year Association, a wealth of information, research, planning tools, a search
engine, etc.https://www.gapyearassociation.org/
Center for Interim Programs, a consulting company that offers free resources on its
website, an opportunity to ask general questions, a free initial consultation, and
consulting services for a fee.https://www.interimprograms.com/
GoOverseas, a search engine and information for students interested in doing a gap
year program abroad.
A few examples:CIEE Gap Year Abroad (semester- and year-long programs emphasizing language
immersion and culture, service & leadership, or global internship.)
https://www.ciee.org/go-abroad/high-school-study-abroad/gap-yearGlobal Citizen Year (global immersion and apprenticeship with leadership training,
social justice work.)
https://www.globalcitizenyear.org/CBYX Vocational Scholarship Program (Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange program
provides students to spend the year after graduation in Germany pursuing interests such as:
architecture, education, veterinary science, information technology, international business,
culinary arts, engineering, graphic design, health care, and forestry.)https://www.nacelopendoor.org/cbyx
Minnesota Reading and Math Corps (an Ampact Americorps program, stipend +
education award for past or future education expenses.)
https://www.ampact.us/serveNational Outdoor Leadership Skills (a wilderness and leadership semester-or
year-long programs with financial aid options and potential for earning credit.)https://www.nols.edu/en/gap-year/
Rotary Youth Exchange (one year abroad attending a local school and living with a
host family.)https://www.rotary.org/en/our-programs/youth-exchanges
Student Conservation Association (team-based programs & individual internships in
fields of climate change, habitat restoration, etc.)
Verto Education (earn credit at partner colleges while traveling abroad.)