• Course Syllabus

    Click on the link above to view the course syllabus.  Parents acknowledge that they have reviewed this syllabus with current students, during the first week of each trimester.  Dates for Parent Meetings, testing in class, and payment schedules are printed and sent home with students.


    HELLO!  and welcome to my classroom website

    I am excited to teach for the Anoka Hennepin District this year and I look forward to meeting you.  In Driver's Education, we use the Minnesota Driver's Manual, study guides, and driver simulation to enhance student learning.  Students who are 15 may take the permit test in class at the end of the trimester.
    Thank you for supporting your student's education! I am excited to work with your child and watch their growth. Together we can help your child achieve success!


    Your child will need TWO identifying documents and know thier social security number to take the permit test in class.

    You will also need to pay $185 for Behind The Wheel instruction before your child can obtain their permit.  You may do this in FEE PAY now...

    Your child will obtain a GDL (Graduated Driver's License) which has restrictions and many expectations.  You can find out more at our parent meeting, held during the evening in the auditorium, during the trimester they are in class with us.  (Mrs. Tholkes and Mr. Fellows)


    -Mrs. Tholkes

  • Contact info


    Kari Tholkes
    Part Time Driver's Education 
    Coon Rapids High School