• Earning College Credit - 

    Transfer Resources

    Anytime you are planning on bringing college credit with you to another institution, it is important to remember that the institution receiving the credit has the final say on how the credit can be applied to degree completion. 




    Transferology is a fast and free way to explore your transfer options across the country. Whether you’re planning to transfer or need to take a course somewhere else, we’ve got you covered.


    The University of Minnesota Twin Cities has teamed up with seven public two-year campuses around Minnesota to offer the Minnesota Cooperative Admissions Program (MnCAP). When you enroll in the Minnesota Cooperative Admissions Program, you will be guaranteed transfer admission to one of the participating U of M majors when you meet certain conditions.

    MN Private Colleges

    Overview of transfer process to MN Private Colleges including a transfer guide and scholarship information.

    UW System

    Transfer Wisconsin can help you find out how your credits transfer, but it also offers you tools, resources, and a wealth of information right at your fingertips.  If you plan to transfer to a University of Wisconsin (UW) or a Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) campus, use this site to take the next steps to achieve your college education goals.

    From Anoka-Ramsey to: 

    ARCC has a great transfer page that can be used by students in selecting which colleges to apply to after their time at their college. 

    AP credit policy

    Your AP scores could earn you college credit or advanced placement (meaning you could skip certain courses in college). Use this tool to find colleges that offer credit or placement for AP scores.

    Sending your AP Scores

    View your scores and send them to colleges. Also, learn about AP awards and get answers to all your score-related questions.

    Articulated College Credit - CTE Credit MN

    Earn Technical or Community college credits for courses completed in High School.