
    Letter of Recommendations - 4 Steps

    STEP 1 - You will need to ask the teacher/staff member face to face if they will write a letter of recommendation for you.  If this person is not in the building, then I would suggest you call them. You are asking them to help you out with getting you into college or scholarship.  Please be respectful and ask them face to face.  If you send an email, many teachers will delete it. When you ask them, you should give them at least 2 weeks to write it and give them a deadline for when you need it done by. 


    STEP 2 - If they say YES, you will want to answer as many questions as you can from this link below to help them learn more about you by writing the letter of recommendation. 

    CRHS - Guidelines for Letter of Recommendation Requests


    STEP 3 - How do I request the letter of recommendation to be sent electronically? Letter of Recommendation Request Instructions


    STEP 4 - How will you know if a teacher/staff member has uploaded their letter of recommendation in Scoir? Stay tuned for this step as well in Fall 2023.