• The Bilingual Seal offers Equity !All Hands on Board!

    Have you heard of the Bilingual Seal? If you haven’t, what are the chances that our students with a migration background have? 

    In recent years we’ve mostly advertised the Bilingual Seal through the World Language or English Department, not calling all hands on board as I believe we should. If you agree that this is an opportunity that all our students should know about, please join me in mentioning the upcoming testing (late March and early April at CRHS) in all your classes! Students have to sign up and pay a small fee (max. $30) in advance! If students look at the website (it’s a lot) and have questions, please refer them to: Sara Gregg at the district, sara.gregg@ahschools.us If they get the ball rolling now, there's plenty of time to figure this out!

    What is the Bilingual Seal? 

    The Bilingual Seal is a certification on students' high school transcripts affirming their level of proficiency in English and a second language, including reading and writing. 10th, 11th and 12th graders can earn the seal and add the accreditation to their resumes and college and job applications, and their proficiency can earn them college credits (up to 20!) at MN state colleges and universities--possibly saving them thousands of dollars in tuition!

    It is an opportunity that we want everyone to be aware of, and for as many students as possible to take advantage of! As teachers who embrace the need to always consider equity, I ask you to advertise it to all of your classes and encourage any student you know with proficiency in a language other than English to take the test. If all teachers mention this empowering opportunity to our students, my hope is that more will take advantage of this to their own benefit.