• How to access your AP exam scores (available 7/8/24):


    Sign in to My AP.


    Go to My AP Profile and select Registration. Confirm it's set to the right school year, 2023/24.


    Confirm that the school listed as the School You Attend is the right one. Double-check the city and state since there can be multiple schools with the same name.


    If you need to make a change, search for and select your school. If multiple schools are listed after you enter your school name, you can use the zip code filter to help narrow down the search results to your location. Click Save.

    For additional assistance, students may contact AP Services for Students using this form, or by calling 888-225-5427 or 212-632-1780.

    Advanced Placement (AP) courses (COVID-19 Update: For the most updated information please visit the College Board website)

    AP courses are college level courses that require students to work at a high, rigorous level and complete additional outside work/reading outside of class. AP classes can prepare you for the college experience.

    Students in an AP class are eligible to take an AP test in the spring. These tests are not required and do not reflect on your grade for the class. However, the AP test score is how you may earn actual college credit - the high school class alone is not college credit. Colleges/universities determine the amount/type of college credit awarded once you are attending their school.
    • Expectations and pace of class closely match college experience.
    • Score of 3, 4 or 5 may earn you college credit.
    • AP is recognized by post-secondary schools across the nation.
    • Good grade earns bonus to improve GPA.
    AP is for you if... 
    • You are thinking about college and want to know what it will be like.
    • You have a strong interest in the subject.
    • You plan to go to college and want to earn credit.
    • You will complete projects and coursework outside of class.
    Other information
    • Some classes have prerequisites.
    • AP test offered only in the spring.
    • Fee required for AP test.
    • One college credit costs hundreds of dollars. Each AP test is less than $100 and could earn you a few credits, depending on your score and the college. AP college credit varies by school. Be sure to review enrollment material from colleges you are considering attending. 

    Useful links

    AP credit policy - Your AP scores could earn you college credit or advanced placement (meaning you could skip certain courses in college). Use this tool to find colleges that offer credit or placement for AP scores.