Recovering Credit Options
When a student fails a class needed for graduation, there are three options to make up the credit.
- Retake the class in person during the school year and receive a grade.
- ASCR for a P (passing).
- Summer school for a P (passing).
After School Credit Recovery (ASCR)
-Completed during the school year
-Mandatory login on Wednesdays through a google classroom from 2:30-5:00 (at home or stay after school)
-Student will take a placement test in their first session to determine what they know. If they score a 70% or better they will immediately earn the P for credit. If not, they will work on the areas they scored lower in to get to the understanding of 70%
-If a student misses two Wednesday sessions, they will be dropped.
-See school counselor to register.
ASCR from Sandburg Regional Presentation
Summer School
-Summer school runs for two weeks in the summer. Depending on the high school rotation it could be towards the beginning or middle of summer break. (CPHS Summer 2024 June 17-28).
-Sandburg Regional in Anoka for grades 9-11. Anoka Technical High School for grade 12.
-Monday-Friday from 8:00am-1:00 pm with 3 periods/classes per day.
-Transportation is provided if students are signed up by May 1.
-Student will take a placement test in their first session to determine what they know. If they score a 70% or better they will immediately earn a P for credit. If not, they will work on the areas they scored lower in to get to the 70% understanding.
-Once a student completes the class, they do not need to attend the remainder of the days.
-See your school counselor to get registered.