•  Axness Family

    Allison Axness 

    Hometown:  Crookston Minnesota

     College: NDSU in Health & Physical Education  Masters in Education from Bemidji State University

     Previous Teaching Experience:  Roseville Area High School from 2005-2017

     Start Date at Champlin Park: Fall 2017 Teaching PE & Asssistant Varsity Volleyball Coach

     Family:  Married to Brian (CPA/CFO) of Taco Bell Border Foods and have 3 kids - Reese, Isaac, and Marky as well as a dog named Nala Snickers CoCo Axness

     Hobbies:  Love running and working out, shopping, spending time with my family and friends, and traveling as much as possible.  

     Fun Facts: I have an identical twin sister.  I have run 18 marathons around the United States, favorites include New York City, Chicago, and Las Vegas.  Disney Lover! 


    Teaching schedule

       Trimester one  Trimester two  Trimester three
     Period 1 Team Sports PE II Prep
     Period 2 PE II Power Volleyball II Total Sports
     Period 3 Power Volleyball I Prep PE II
     Period 4 Prep PE II Total Sports
     Period 5 PE II Total Sports Power Volleyball I

    Teachers: Allison Axness

    Email: allison.axness@ahschools.us

    Phone: 763-506-6984

    PE II Syllabus

    Course Description:

    It is the goal of the Anoka-Hennepin Public Schools physical education program to provide students with developmentally appropriate learning opportunities with meaningful content and instruction. All students will develop health-related fitness, physical competence, cognitive understanding and positive attitudes about physical activity that promotes a healthy and physically active lifestyle.

    Our Vision Statement…

    Inspire every student to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Our Mission Statement…

    To develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. The physical education program provides opportunities for students to attain the skills, knowledge, and attitudes essential for a healthy lifestyle.

    Our High School Physical Education Purpose…

    To introduce our students to a variety of wellness related activities so that they have the ability to develop a physically active lifestyle for a lifetime.

    Standards Based Grading

    Teachers will use a standards-based grading system that focuses on the most important standards and benchmarks as determined by the Minnesota Department of Education and MnSHAPE. Students’ knowledge and performance will be evaluated using a 4,3,2,1 proficiency scale that will allow parents, students, and others to determine what a student knows and can do. Daily practice may be noted in the gradebook, but may not be factored into the final course grade. This reflects the belief that students should be graded on what they know and can do based on multiple opportunities to showcase proficiency.

    PE II Course Outcomes based on Curriculum Standards





    --Demonstrate competency in individual performance activities, outdoor pursuits, net and wall games, or target games.



    -Improve performance for a self-selected skill.



    -Calculate target heart rate zone (THRZ).

    -Participate in cardiorespiratory and bone strengthening activities multiple times each week.



    -Apply best practices for safe participation.



    -Identify health benefits of activity.

    -Choose activities that are challenging enough to experience success and enjoyment.


    Changing clothes in physical education not only allows students to participate fully and safely, it develops personal responsibility, employability skills, and promotes good hygiene.

    Occurence and Consequence

    1ST  Verbal reminder of guidelines. Teacher will discuss possible solutions with student. Unsafe attire will result in removal from activity. 

    2ND    Teacher communicates with parent(s)/guardian(s). Unsafe attire will result in removal from activity.

    3RD   Teacher communicates with parent(s)/guardian(s). Teacher notifies administration of insubordination. Unsafe attire will result in removal from activity.

    Appropriate attire: Athletic shorts/pants and shirts, athletic shoes (with laces/Velcro).  

    Unsafe attire: crocs, sandals, flip flops, boots, dresses, skirts, etc.. (will be removed from activity). 

    At Champlin Park High School we celebrate our differences and recognize the benefits of a diverse student body.  For this reason we must take a stand against offensive language and hate speech. Racially offensive and/or homophobic language as well as any other derogatory slur towards a specific group has no place in our school or this classroom.  We will document and report language that is hateful and hurtful and leads to feelings of being ostracized (not accepted) from the Champlin Park family.


    Standards-based reporting

    • Standards-based grading Our grading practices in Anoka-Hennepin are changing to a system that allows teachers to more accurately and consistently report student achievement to students and parents relative to state and local learning standards. During the upcoming 2019-20 school year, in select mathematics, physical education, and health classes at the middle and high school level, Anoka-Hennepin will be piloting a change to the way student grades are determined and communicated.


      This standards-based reporting system focuses on student learning rather than the earning of points or a single grade based on an overall average. In a standards-based classroom, student work is evaluated as evidence of learning, and teachers and students use established criteria to determine what level of learning is evident from the student work. 


      Grades must be accurate and meaningful so that teachers, students, and parents know exactly what progress has been made and what opportunities there are for growth. Providing feedback to students around specific learning standards has shown to significantly boost achievement and motivation for students. 


      Moving to the standards-based reporting is a change that’s years in the making, which is being led by teachers, and comes with years of foundational work. The shift to standards-based reporting will occur in phases, with some mathematics, health, and physical education courses piloting this year, and other courses moving forward in following years. The transition should be done by the 2023-24 school year.


      What will this look like in the gradebook?


      First, the report card is not changing. So when students and parents look at the report card, they’ll still be earning As, Bs, etc.


      That said, teachers using a standards-based reporting system may use a gradebook that focuses on the most important standards/benchmarks (called “priority standards/benchmarks”). Rather than a list of assignments and points earned, student knowledge will be evaluated using a 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1, .5, 0 proficiency scale that will allow parents, students, and others to determine exactly what the student knows. Daily practice (homework) completion may be noted in the gradebook, but may not be calculated into the final course grade. This reflects the belief that students should be graded based on what they know rather than their first attempts at learning.


      If you have questions, you can read more about standards-based reporting, or you can contact your son or daughter's teacher directly as they're the best source of information about your student’s achievement.



    How do I, as a parent, check grades in a Standards Based Grade Book system?

    Checking Grades




    Allison Axness
    Grade level/content area