Eleventh Grade Students
Career Exploration for Eleventh Grade Students
You have several options below to explore your own unique strengths and interests. Please choose from the following activities and have this completed before you pick your classes in January for senior year!
- What is a good career for me? Exploring careers is a great way to learn about yourself and what your next best steps could be after high school.
- Career and College Planning Guide The Career and College Specialists have created a planning guide for students and parents to use as a reference.
MCIS (MN Career Information System) offers a wealth of career, education, and labor market information.
STEP uses a college planning system called Scoir to help students and families navigate the college selection and application process.
Additional Resources
Did you know that almost 70% of jobs in MN do not require a 4-year (bachelor’s) degree?
Explore various resources about military offerings in one spot.
Raise.Me helps students in 9th – 12th grades to discover colleges and earn scholarships for their academic and extracurricular achievements throughout high school. These achievements can include good grades, participating in clubs, playing in a sports team, volunteering, having a job or even starting a club. They can include AP or IB courses, honors classes, and college-level courses too.
Explore apprenticeship opportunities in a variety of industries.
Use this list of questions to help you determine what college might be the best fit for you.
Other Planning Guides
STEP uses a college planning system called Scoir to help students and families navigate the college selection and application process.
Scoir activities:
- Take the Find Your College Match Quiz and Follow a total of 6+ colleges
- Continue building your Scoir profile (review and update your personal bio and expand your list of activities and achievements)
- Add your GPA and test scores to your Scoir Profile, if your school's settings allow
- Explore College Sessions and take virtual campus tours through the YouVisit experience on a College Profile
- Explore College Profiles to learn more about activities, clubs and athletics
- Use College Compare to compare your top four colleges side-by-side
- Request letters of recommendation
- Download the Scoir Student Mobile App
- Celebrate! You've made big steps this year!