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Welcome to the World of Salon, Spa, and Barbering Careers! Together we will S.T.E.P. up to a whole new ‘style’ of learning where real world skills come to life as we connect current industry standards and theory to hands-on application in a lab-based classroom setting. The course offerings in Salon, Spa, and Barbering careers combine a comprehensive list of course material to include:
- Customer Service
- Professional Selling Skills
- Foundations, Principles, and Applications of Hair Design on Manikins & Hair Extensions
- Skin Histology & Facial Care: 3-D Modeling, Esthetic Facial Forms, & Cosmetic Chemistry
- Makeup Artistry: Face Charting, Product Development, Moulage/Special Effects, and Tools & Trade
- Nail Artistry with Natural nails & Enhacements on Practice Hands
- Current MN Barbering & Cosmetology State Laws and Rules
- Industry Relevant Anatomy and Physiology
- Business Fundamentals in Marketing, Small Business Management, and Entrepreneurship
As always, I very much appreciate you supporting your student's education! I am excited to work with you and your student and watch their growth. Together we can help them achieve their own personal idea(s) of success!
Crystal Lea Scott
Salon, Spa, & Barbering CareersSecondary Technical Education Program1353 West Hwy 10, Anoka, MN 55303crystal.scott@ahschools.us(763) 433-4083
Teaching Schedule:
Tri 1
Tri 2
Tri 3
Salon, Spa, & Barbering Careers I
Salon, Spa, & Barbering Careers II
Salon, Spa, & Barbering Careers II
3rd Hour
Intro to Barbering Careers
Intro to Eduacation Careers
Intro to Cosmetology Careers
Salon, Spa, & Barbering Careers II
Salon, Spa, & Barbering Careers I
Salon, Spa, & Barbering Careers II