• Serving in our community

    Consider giving your time and talents in our community. Use this list of community organizations to start brainstorming about how you can make a difference.

    Parks and recreation

    City of Coon Rapids
    11000 Crooked Lake Blvd - Coon Rapids, MN 55433
    Opportunities include: Park clean up and basic maintenance.
    Action step: Email Gregg Engle at engle@coonrapidsmn.gov or call 763-767-6552.
    City of Minneapolis Parks
    Special events at various parks around the metro
    Action step:  www.minneapolisparks.org/volunteer
    Three Rivers Park District
    Various Locations
    Opportunities include: Invasive plant control, education, animal care, scouts, and special events.
    Action step: Call 763-559-6706, email volunteer@threeriversparkdistrict.org or visit www.threeriversparkdistrict.org/volunteer.
    Springbrook Nature Center
    100 85th Ave. N.W. - Fridley, MN 55432 
    Opportunities include: Publicity, land management, events, birding, animal care, and office assistant.
    Action step: www.springbrooknaturecenter.org/ or call 763-572-3588.


    Arts and entertainment

    Lyric Arts Main Street Stage
    420 East Main Street - Anoka, MN 55303
    Opportunities include: Set building, office work, costuming, ticket sales, ushering and more.
    Action step: Contact Gina Sauer at 763-233-0805, gina@lyricarts.org or visit  www.lyricarts.org.

    Maple Grove Arts Center
    7916 Main St - Maple Grove, MN
    Opportunities change throughout the year.
    Action step: Contact Leslie Catton at lcatton@maplegroveartscenter.org
    Banfill-Locke Center For The Arts
    6666 East River Road - Fridley, MN 55432
    Opportunities include helping in the gift shop, answering phones, office help and special events.
    Action step: Contact Jeffrey at: Jeffrey@banfill-locke.org or 763-574-1850.

    Community involvement

    Anoka County Brotherhood Council
    2615 Ninth Ave. N - Anoka, MN 55303
    Opportunities include: Sorting clothing, cleaning or straightening shelves, and helping store crew during client time.
    Action step: Visit www.acbcfoodshelf.org or call 763-422-0046.


    Anoka County Community Action Program (ACCAP)
    1201 89th Ave. Suite 345 – Blaine, MN 55434
    Opportunities include: Help with the planning and set-up of seasonal activities, office work, helping to interpret a foreign language for parents/staff, volunteering in a classroom, reading to and with children; supervising playground, assisting on field trips.
    Action step: Visit www.accap.org/get-involved or call 763-783-4747. 

    Anoka County Libraries


    Crooked Lake Library
    11440 Crooked Lake Blvd.  
    Coon Rapids, MN 55433
    Phone: 763- 576-5972
    Northtown Library
    711 County Rd 10 NE
    Blaine, MN 55434
    Phone: 763-717-3267
    Rum River Library
    4201 6th Ave
    Anoka, MN 55303
    Phone:  763-576-4695

    Opportunities include: Helping the librarian prepare for story time, and cleaning books and shelves.
    Action step: Call the Youth Services Librarian at the branch you wish to serve at.
    Anoka County Historical Society
    2135 3rd Avenue North - Anoka, MN 55303
    Opportunities include: Hunting through newspapers for relevant articles, creating digital records for searchable database, assisting in the fabrication of a history exhibit, assisting genealogist experts, teaching a history program, and interviewing individuals in the community.
    Action step: Visit www.anokacountyhistory.org/volunteer/ or call 763-421-0600.
    Andover YMCA
    15200 Hanson Blvd NW - Andover, MN 55304
    Opportunities include programs for children and adults and special events.
    City of Coon Rapids (Recycling program)
    1831 111th Avenue - Coon Rapids, MN 55433
    Opportunities include: Assisting with collection during normal collection hours, doing basic office work, assisting during special events and assisting with special projects.
    Action step: Call Colleen Sinclair at 763-767-6485 or email csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov.

    1201 89th Ave NE, Suite 130 - Blaine, MN 55434
    Opportunities include: Packing food orders, stocking shelves, and receiving food donations.
    Action step: Visit http://www.ceap.org/volunteer/, email volunteer@ceap.com or call 763-450-3679.
    Great River Greening
    Opportunities are available throughout the metro area.  Projects include planting trees and wild flowers and cutting out invasive species. 
    Action step:  Visit www.greatrivergreening.org or contact May Yang, Community Outreach Coordinator at 651-272-3993 or volunteer@greatrivergreening.org.

    Hope For Youth
    Opportunities include: Organizing donations and basic cleaning.
    Action step: Visit https://hope4youthmn.org/volunteer/, call 763-323-2066 or email volunteer@hope4youthmn.org

    Feed My Starving Children
    401 93rd Ave - Coon Rapids, MN 55433. Phone: 763-951-7306
    Opportunities include: Packing dry nutritional meals.
    Action step: Visit www.fmsc.org/volunteer 
    Opportunities in Anoka County
    Various opportunities are available around the county.  The list is updated throughout the year.  Check back often to see what is new.
    1001 E. Lake St. - Minneapolis, MN 55407-0509
    Opportunities include: Yard clean up, snow removal, minor home repairs, and housekeeping.
    Action step: Email Molly Chandler at mchandler@gmcc.org or call 612-276-167.
    Loaves and Fishes
    Various locations across the Twin Cities including, Coon Rapids and Brooklyn Center.
    Opportunities include: Clean-up, serving meals, and cooking.
    Action step: Visit www.loavesandfishesmn.org/volunteer.html to sign up.
    Mano a Mano
    925 Pierce Butler Route - St Paul, MN 55104
    Opportunities include:  Unloading and sorting medical supplies to be shipped to Bolivia.
    Action step:  Visit www.manoamano.org or contact Carmen Paredes Dockry at 651-457-3141
    or carmen@manoamano.org
    North Anoka County Emergency Foodshelf, Inc. (N.A.C.E.)
    18511 Hwy 65 NE, Suite 200 - East Bethel, MN 55011
    Opportunities include: Working with clients, weighing food, sorting food and clothing, restocking shelves, front desk, social media/website updates, fundraising/events.
    Action step: Contact Colleen Young at 763-434-7685 or email assistant@nacefoodshelf.org
    Manna Market
     16060 Crosstown Blvd NW  -  Andover, MN
    Food rescue organization for families in need in Andover and other north metro cities.  Volunteers help unload food from semis, sort and organize food and assist people loading food into their cars.  Variety of shifts available on Fridays between 2:30 and 7:30 pm.  Must be able to lift 30 pounds and climb stairs.
    Action step:  Call 763-434-3200.
    Salvation Army
    Various opportunities and places around the metro area, including Andover.
    American Red Cross
    Various opportunities, including blood drives, available throughout the metro area.
    Action step:  Visit http://www.redcross.org/local/mn/volunteer to see current opportunities.
    Second Harvest Heartland
    Help sort and repack food at the warehouses in Maplewood or Golden Valley.
    Action Step:  Visit http://www.2harvest.org/get-involved/volunteer/#.Vfq5pyRM4rs to see the current needs and to sign up.
    ARC's Value Village
    Help sort, organize and price donations so that they can be sold.  Locations available in Bloomington, Brooklyn Center, New Hope, Richfield and St. Paul.
    Action step:  Visit http://www.arcsvaluevillage.org/volunteer/ to sign up.

    People Serving People
    614 South Third Street - Minneapolis, MN 55415
    Opportunities include: Serving free meals and building beautification.
    Action step: Contact Tom Golembeck at TGolembeck@peopleservingpeople.org or 612-277-0216.

    Sharing and Caring Hands
    525 North Seventh Street - Minneapolis, MN 55405
    Opportunities include: Assisting in children’s playroom, and serving meals.
    Action step: Call 612-338-4640

    Southern Anoka Community Assistance (SACA)

    627 38th Ave NE - Minneapolis, MN 55421
    Opportunities include: Working with the Emergency Food Program, distributing seasonal items and working with special events and programs.
    Action step: Call 763-789-244.


    Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
    1954 University Ave W - St. Paul, MN 55104
    Opportunities include: Home repairs, construction, restoration, fundraisers.
    Action step: Contact the Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@tchabitat.org or 612-305-7114.


    Twin Cities Teen Court
    Opportunities include: Serving as a jury member or member of the court room staff.
    Action step: Contact Laura Garvey at laura.garvey@twincitiesteencourt.com.


    Volunteering with seniors and older adults

    The Farmstead
    13733 Quay St NW - Andover, MN 55304
    Opportunities include:  Visiting, crafts, gardening, music, reading and special events.
    Action step:  Contact Melissa Dupont at 763-712-7000.
    The Homestead of Anoka
    3000 4th Ave  -  Anoka, MN 55304
    Opportunities include:  Visiting, mealtime, transporting to events, and special events.
    Action step:  Call 763-528-6500.
    Camilia Rose Care Center
    11800 Xeon Blvd. NW - Coon Rapids, MN 55448
    Opportunities include: Visiting, game assistant, reading, letter writing, manicures, and more.
    Action step: Call 763-755-8400.
    Coon Rapids Senior Center
    11800 Xeon Blvd. NW - Coon Rapids, MN 55448
    Opportunities include: Visiting, game assistant, reading, letter writing, manicures, office work and more.
    Action step: Contact Kris Neibler by emailing kniebler@coonrapidsmn.gov or by calling 763-767-6489.


    Volunteering with people with disabilities

    Special Olympics Minnesota
    100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 550 - Minneapolis, MN 55401
    Opportunities include: Visit www.specialolympicsminnesota.org/who-we-are/volunteers/ for details.
    Action step: Contact Jay Pederson at 612-604-1267 or jay.pedersen@somn.org.


    Long-term volunteer opportunities

    Animal Humane Society
    1411 Main St. N.W. Coon Rapids, MN 55448
    Opportunities include: Providing basic care of animals including feeding and walking.
    Action step: Visit www.animalhumanesociety.org/.
    Note: A commitment of one year, including twice monthly and 10 hours of initial training.

    Mercy Hospital
    4050 Coon Rapids Blvd. - Coon Rapids, MN 55433
    Opportunities include: Patient Care, Guest Services and Support Services.
    Action Step: Visit www.allinahealth.org/ and click on Give/Volunteer or call 763-236-8011.

    Note: Requires a 6 month commitment and 2 shifts per month. 

    Children's Hospital
     2525 Chicago Ave S - Minneapolis, MN
    345 North Smith Ave - St. Paul
    Opportunities include:  supporting patients and their families by welcoming, guiding, completing activities and other roles.  
    Call 612-813-6200 (Minneapolis) or 651-220-6141 (St. Paul) for more information.
    Note:  An application, interview, background check and orientation are required.  Volunteers are asked for a 3 hour shift each week and a 6 month commitment.
    Maple Grove Hospital
    9875 Hospital Drive - Maple Grove, MN 55369
    Opportunities are available throughout the hospital.
    Action step: Visit: www.maplegrovehospital.org to see current opportunities and to fill out an application.
    Note: A six-month commitment is required.
    Unity Hospital
    550 Osborne Road - Fridley, MN 55432
    Opportunities include: Patient Care, Guest Services and Support Services.  Volunteers must be 16 years or older and commit to a 4 hour shift every other week for 6 months.  Training and orientation will be provided. 
    Action step: Visit www.allinahealth.org/ and click on Give/Volunteer or call 763-236-3011.

    Note: Requires a six-month commitment with two shifts per month.