It is unlikely that there will be off-site field trips in 2020-21. More information will be posted as I learn more.
First grade students are offered a variety of in and out of school experiences to connect the learning at Monroe with the real world. Below were some of the experiences from 2018-19 school year. Detailed information regarding the 2019-20 experiences will be sent home about two weeks prior to each experience. At that time families will be provided with date, time, lunch information, possible cost, and whether or not family volunteers are needed. We will not request permission because field trip permission is part of the beginning of the school year paperwork filled out by families. Many of the field trips are provided at a reduced cost thanks to funds provided by our STEM Program and the Monroe PTO.
Past Field Trip Experiences:
Bell Museum
Minnesota Author David La Rochelle (comes to Monroe)
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (comes to Monroe)
Stages Theater
Wargo Nature Center
Springbrook Nature Center