• Welcome to First Grade!
    My name is Kate Mabel and the 2020-21 school year is my 18th year of teaching in Anoka-Hennepin.  
    First grade is a wonderful time in the lives of children.  This school year we will continue to learn how to read and write, as well as increase our mathematical and problem solving skills.  We will explore our world through science, technology, engineering, and curiosity.  We will also work on life skills such as cooperation, responsibility, empathy, self-confidence, and good manners.  I look forward to and have high expectations for this school year.  
    If you have questions, need to talk with me about a concern, or wish to let me know something, please do so by sending an email (email is the most efficient way to communicate with me), voicemail, or a written note.  I will read written notes before school and check email and voicemail once every morning and afternoon.  Though every message will be read or heard, I will respond at the end of the school day or within 48 hours during the school week.  This response method is the least disruptive to student learning. 
    We have a lot to learn in first grade and I am eager to work with both you and your child.  Thank you for supporting your student's education!  When parents, teachers, and students work together we can achieve the most success!
  • 2020-21 Specials:
       Day 1:  unknown at this time
       Day 2:  unknown at this time
       Day 3:  unknown at this time
       Day 4:  unknown at this time
       Day 5:  unknown at this time
    *Please make sure your student has gym shoes and socks to participate in gym activities.
    **Please help your student remember to return the checked out media book(s). 
    Kate Mabel
    (she, her, hers)
    First Grade Teacher
    Monroe Elementary
    Mathematics, Science and Children's Engineering
    901 Brookdale Dr.
    Brooklyn Park, MN 55444