• International Business [H]
    Intended Audience: Grades 10, 11, 12
    Credit: One trimester = 0.5 credit
    Major Outcomes:
    • Understand International Business basics
    • Determine the causes of globalization
    • Understand cultural differences and similarities
    • Understand business in an ever-changing world by exploring global companies
    • Understand the role of importing, exporting, currency conversion and trade relations
    • Explain how countries economic system affects their economic decisions
    Projects, Activities, etc.: Create a group international business presentation based on business customs and cultures of other countries; examine an international globalized company, their trade practices and the trade practices of their home country.
    Instructional Focus: Hands on activities
    Co-curricular Connection: DECA
    Quotes from students:
    "It was a unique way to attend class. It was also a cool way to meet people from other schools" -Gabe Hill, class of 2016
    "I liked working with people I've never met before and doing projects with them. It was definitely a cool way to end my senior year in a different class environment."   -Peyton Bennett, class of 2016
    "It's cool to hear about how business is different in countries all over the world. I think it is neat too because there are certain things that are acceptable in one culture, but not another." -Allison Bauer, class of 2016 
    "International Business forces you think about topics that are going on in the world, and how different laws and business practices from other countries affect what and how we do business in the United States."  -Sam Carver, class of 2017
    "I liked learning about different developing countries and their impact on the world..." - Drew Grimmer, class of 2017