Business Management
Course Title: Business Management (Nocti Exam) (Articulated College Credit)
Intended Audience: Grade 9-12
High School Credit: One trimester = .5 creditsMajor Course Outcomes:• An appreciation of the role of free enterprise
• The ability to communicate as a leader
• Operation of all the aspects of a small business
• Motivation and understanding the workplace needs and benefits
Projects, activities, etc... What drives our economy and how does the stock market play a role. How you say something, is just as important as what you say; learn how to manage your communication skills as a leader. Partner-up and compete against your classmates in a realistic small business simulation. Hiring, training, evaluating, compensating, and motivating the people you work with is an integral part of business; discover what human resource managers encounter in their jobs. Students get to run a simulated business and choose the location, how many employees to hire, how much stock to buy, and run it while increasing their profit as they go along in the simulation. They get graded on how much they earn each quarter. - view the virtual business simulation website to find out more!
Nocti Exam: Click here
College Credit: Students must meet a 70% benchmark on the final General Management Nocti ExamCredit Recommendation: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in General Management or BusinessList of Cooperating Colleges: Click HereQuizlet to prepare for the Nocti Exam: Use this to Prepare for the NOCTIArticulated Credit: Click here
College Credit: Students must meet a 85% benchmark throughout the secondary trimester course to earn an articulated credit
Credit Recommendation: 3 credit semester hours in Introduction to Business (BUSN 1101), (BUSN 1000), or (BUSN 1105)List of Cooperating Colleges: Click Here