• Entrepreneurship (Articulated College Credit)

    Intended Audience: Grades 10, 11, and 12

    Credit: One trimester = 0.5 credit

    Major Outcomes:

    • Gain an understanding of the business/marketing principles necessary to start and operate a business
    • Explore business opportunities available to entrepreneurs
    • Complete the steps necessary to develop a business plan Projects, Activities, etc.:
    • Write a comprehensive business plan to show a potential investor or business partner.

    Instructional Focus: Hands-on activities, guest speakers, case studies

    Co-curricular Connection: DECA


    Articulated Credit: Click here

    College Credit: Students must meet a 85% benchmark throughout the secondary trimester course  to earn an articulated credit
    Credit Recommendation: 3 credit semester hours in Entrepreneurship (BUSN 2120).

    List of Cooperating Colleges: Click Here