Session 1
Summer School Registration - Make Up Credit Only
Who: Grade 9-11(Grad Years 2025, 2026, 2027)
Where: Sandburg Regional- Anoka
When: Session I - June 17th - June 28th (Juneteenth will be honored June 19th)
Monday - Friday
- Study hall is provided for those that need bussing and don't need three classes. The school bus transportation drops students off at 8:00 AM and picks up at 1:00 PM.
- Study Hall is not required if students provide their own transportation. Students can come for the class/period they are scheduled.
- Brunch is served daily.
Grade 12 (Grad Years 2024) and Multilingual Program- Technical HS
Students should turn in Chromebooks to their high school at the end of the year.
We will provide them for all students in the classroom at both sites.
Important Dates:
June 3rd-Referral deadline
June 13th-Information sent to families from Sandburg via email
May 1st - Referrals due to guarantee transportation (if in person)
June 14th- Schedule information will be available to families on student and parent Vue
*Contact your students' counselor to register for Summer School