• ANDOVER HIGH SCHOOL        2015-2016

    Math Department


    Brandon Voss         Phone: 763-506-8493         Email: brandon.voss@ahschools.us

    Office Hours:    7:15am to 7:35am and 2:20pm to 2:50pm



    Grades will be determined based on summative assessment of learning targets (70%), collected homework and formative weekly quizzes (20%), and a cumulative final exam (10%).  Overall, 80% of the grade earned will come from tests, and 20% from homework and quizzes. 

    The student’s overall grade is calculated based on total points earned from homework quizzes, chapter assessments, and the final exam. 

    The grading scale is:     

    93.00% - 100%  A       87.00% - 89.99%   B+             77.00% - 79.99%  C+       67.00% - 69.99%  D+         0.00% - 59.99% F

    90% - 92.99%    A-     83.00% - 86.99%   B               73.00% - 76.99%  C         63.00% - 66.99%  D  

                                   80.00% - 82.99%   B-              70.00% - 72.99%  C-       60.00% - 62.99%  D-


    Materials needed in class every day:

    Textbook (hard copy or electronic)     Notebook     Calculator (scientific is best)   Pencil   


    Calculator use is encouraged on almost all assignments, activities and tests.   Calculators increase the student’s ability to learn mathematical concepts and procedures more efficiently than strict paper and pencil routines. If you are unable to purchase your own calculator, the library checks out calculators each trimester but there is a limited number so check with them early in the trimester. 


    If you are absent on the day of the test, you will have the opportunity to make up the test when you return from your absence.  Students found to be cheating will receive a zero on the test or quiz.  This class is preparing students for college level courses, and college entrance exams.  Students are expected to study for the chapter tests, and this may involve several hours of additional practice outside of the assigned homework (regular practice sessions leading up to tests have been found to be far more productive for student achievement and retention than single night cramming). Unit/Chapter Tests comprise 70% of your grade.


    Homework and Quizzes: Homework will be checked each day. The quality must be evident and all work shown in order to be considered. Quizzes will be given at least once a week. Together homework and quizzes comprise 20% of your grade. Re-quizzing is available after school if all homework is turned in and complete, and a student has shown through practice and one-on-one discussions that they have made a strong effort to relearn the material.