• Honors Advanced Algebra

    Andover High School Math Department 2019-2020

    Instructor Contact Information:

    Penny Carda                                                 763-506-8473                                               penny.carda@ahschools.us       


    This course will assess 10 learning targets covered in 4 units of study.  Your cumulative grade will be determined by your performance in 3 categories:

    • Summative Assessments (Tests) will be taken at the end of units 9 - 12. These tests will make up 70% of the student’s overall grade.  Each test will be recorded in the grade book as separate learning targets.  All learning targets will receive equal weight.
    • Formative Assessments (Quizzes) will be given one to two times each unit. Quizzes will make up 20% of the student’s overall grade.
    • A District-wide Common Summative Assessment (Final Exam) will be taken at the end of the trimester. The final exam will make up 10% of the student’s overall grade.
    • Formative Practice (Homework) scores will be recorded. These problems are expected to be completed with work shown, answers should be checked by the student, and will be periodically checked and recorded in the gradebook for communication purposes. This practice does not have a direct impact on a student’s grade in the course (but homework must be completed in order to qualify to retake quizzes and tests).  Note that putting in time and effort into your homework will have a significant impact on quiz/test scores.

    The grading scale will be as follows:

    93% - 100% = A                90% - 93% = A-                              

    87% - 90% = B+                83% - 87% = B                  80% - 83% = B-      

    77% - 80% = C+               73% - 77% = C                  70% - 73% = C-

    60% - 70% = D                  Less than 60% = F


    Materials Needed and Cell Phone Policy:

    Materials: Notebook, Pencil, White board markers, Calculator (Graphing calculator preferred but not required), Hand-Outs in class

    Calculator: Calculator use will be necessary on almost all assignments, activities, and assessments.  There will be assignments and studying that you will have to do outside of class where a graphing calculator will be helpful.  Desmos is a free app that can be used on just about any portable electronic device (smartphone, iPad, etc. – or on any computer by going to desmos.com) that can be a very good and inexpensive alternative to purchasing a graphing calculator for use outside of class.  It’s very important to remember, however, that no personal devices will be allowed to be used during assessments in this course.  Being familiar with graphing calculators is very important in many mathematics courses and other applications. 

    Cell Phones: Cell phones are not to be used during class. Specifically, having a cell phone out during a quiz or an exam will be considered cheating.


    Due dates/Absences/Make-ups/Retakes:

    Assignments are due the next day class is in session unless otherwise stated.  If/when you’re absent, you should use the provided assignment calendar to do your best to keep up with the class.  Upon your return, you can get notes from a classmate or the instructor if needed.  If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz, you will be expected to take that missing assessment the next day you are in class.  Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis for extended absences, but typically we expect the test to be made up as soon as possible.

    Students may retake any quiz 1 time provided that: a) All assignments relating to the quiz are complete and b) The extra review assignment given by the instructor is complete and accurate.  Quizzes may not be retaken after the unit test is given.

    Students may retake any learning target from a test 1 time on designated retest days.  These retakes are available provided that: a) All assignments are complete and b) The list of additional problems given by the instructor are completed accurately as a single additional assignment.  


    Scheduled Course Topics and Learning Targets:

    Unit 9 – Sequences and Series

    LT 9.1:  I can demonstrate an understanding of the differences between various types of sequences, write equations to model them, and apply those models to analyze and solve real world problems.

    LT 9.2:  I can demonstrate an understanding of the differences between various types of series, write equations to model them, and apply those models to analyze and solve real world problems.

    Unit 10 – Exponential Functions/Logarithms

    LT 10.1:  I can identify significant features of exponential and logarithmic functions.

    LT 10.2:  I can understand the relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions and use those relationships to evaluate these functions.

    LT 10.3:  I can solve an exponential equation using logarithms – including real world situations.

    Unit 11 – Rational Functions

    LT 11.1:  I can demonstrate understanding of rational functions using tables, graphs, symbols, and real world situations.

    LT 11.2:  I can perform various operations on rational expressions.

    LT 11.3:  I can solve rational equations symbolically and graphically.

    Unit 12 – Transformations

    LT 12.1:  I can identify and make comparisons about different families of functions.

    LT 12.2:  I can determine how transformations affect the symbolic and graphical forms of a function.


    I look forward to working with each one of you – students and parents alike!  Every student can be successful in Honors Advanced Algebra with hard work and perseverance.  Remember that our door is always open and helping kids learn math – even when it’s really challenging – is exactly what we do!  Let’s make it a great trimester!

     Mrs. Carda