

    Mr. Grider david.grider@ahschools.us  

    Phone 763-506-6383

    You Tube Channel - griderteched




    CTE Course Syllabus



    Course:  76711 Wood Technology I


    Program of Study: Construction Careers

    Subcategory: Construction Occupations/General


    Anoka-Hennepin Number: 76711    Wood Technology I

    State Prog. Code: 171000 - Course Code: 1

    Number Days: 58   Approx. Hrs.: 65 - Term: 1 Tri

    Number of Credits: .5



    Prerequisites:                    None

    Brief Description:           Elective open to grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.  This class is intended to teach the fundamentals of woodworking and the safe use of associated tools and equipment. This course covers the steps used in designing and planning, as well as the building and finishing processes.

    Course Outcomes:           The following topics will be addressed:

    1. Safety: Students will understand and demonstrate:
    2. Appropriate personal safety habits and clothing
    3. Hand tool and portable equipment safety procedures and operations.
    4. Machine tool safety procedures and operations.
    5. Safe use and storage of hazardous/flammable chemicals
    6. Content
    7. Students will demonstrate knowledge of measurement.
    8. Students will select and properly use materials and supplies.
    9. Students will use various joinery/assembly techniques while building their project.

    Methods:                               This course will include required reading that relates to the instructional units listed, lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and self-paced work. Although this is a hands-on course, it will be necessary for students to become familiar with new terms, concepts and processes before practicing new skills. All lectures and demonstrations are followed by activities that allow students to more fully understand the presented material.

    Evaluation:                          The grade for this course will be based on the following:

    • A – 100% - 90%
    • B – 89% - 80%
    • C – 79% - 70%
    • D – 69% - 60%
    • F – 59% or below
      1. Project which meets requirements (approx. 65%)
      2. Quizzes, tests, worksheets etc. (approx. 35%)

    Resources:                           The following resources are needed for this course:

    1. Notebook and pencil
    2. Safety glasses (non tinted)
    3. 10 to 16 foot tape measure
    4. Good attitude and willingness to learn and participate!

    Attend. & Conduct:         Attendance and class participation are critical to the student's success in understanding and gaining familiarity with CTE concepts. Please notify the instructor if you will be missing any classes. Students are expected to submit their own work for this course. Academic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated. This includes copying the work of other students during examinations; unauthorized collaboration on homework and project assignments; unauthorized use of the internet to obtain homework and/or test answers; representing work done by others as your own.


    College Credit or Professional Certification: Pending

    # Coll Cr (if any):                                                             School(s) Accepting Credit:

    # Hrs Toward Prof. Cert. (if any): 0 Qualification Method: Course compl. w/specified grade





    Mr. Grider david.grider@ahschools.us  

    Phone 763-506-6383

    You Tube Channel - griderteched




    CTE Course Syllabus



    Course:  76721 Wood Technology II


    Program of Study: Construction Careers

    Subcategory: Construction Occupations/General


    Anoka-Hennepin Number: 76721    Wood Technology II

    State Prog. Code: 171000 - Course Code: 2

    Number Days: 58   Approx. Hrs.: 65 - Term: 1 Tri

    Number of Credits: .5



    Prerequisites:                    Wood Technology I

    Brief Description:           Elective open to grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.  This class is intended to teach the fundamentals of cabinet and furniture construction. This course covers the steps used in designing and planning, as well as the building and finishing processes.

    Course Outcomes:           The following topics will be addressed:

    1. Safety: Students will understand and demonstrate:
    2. Appropriate personal safety habits and clothing
    3. Hand tool and portable equipment safety procedures and operations.
    4. Machine tool safety procedures and operations.
    5. Safe use and storage of hazardous/flammable chemicals
    6. Content
    7. Students will demonstrate knowledge of measurement.
    8. Students will select and properly use materials and supplies.
    9. Students will use various joinery/assembly techniques while building their project.
    10. Students will understand basic cabinetry and furniture construction
    11. Sequence of topics:
    12. Wood its nature and properties
    13. Planning and working drawings
    14. Safe use of tools and machines
    15. Frame and Panel construction
    16. Face frame construction
    17. Use of plywood panels
    18. Constructing and installing moldings
    19. Common joinery techniques
    20. Drawer construction and installation
    21. Door construction and installation
    22. Sanding and finishing

    Methods:                               This course will include required reading that relates to the instructional units listed, lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and self-paced work. Although this is a hands-on course, it will be necessary for students to become familiar with new terms, concepts and processes before practicing new skills. All lectures and demonstrations are followed by activities that allow students to more fully understand the presented material.

    Evaluation:                          The grade for this course will be based on the following:

    • A – 100% - 90%
    • B – 89% - 80%
    • C – 79% - 70%
    • D – 69% - 60%
    • F – 59% or below
      1. Project which meets requirements (approx. 65%)
      2. Quizzes, tests, worksheets etc. (approx. 35%)

    Resources:                           The following resources are needed for this course:

    1. Notebook and pencil
    2. Safety glasses (non tinted)
    3. 10 to 16 foot tape measure
    4. Good attitude and willingness to learn and participate!

    Attend. & Conduct:         Attendance and class participation are critical to the student's success in understanding and gaining familiarity with CTE concepts. Please notify the instructor if you will be missing any classes. Students are expected to submit their own work for this course. Academic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated. This includes copying the work of other students during examinations; unauthorized collaboration on homework and project assignments; unauthorized use of the internet to obtain homework and/or test answers; representing work done by others as your own.


    College Credit or Professional Certification: Pending

    # Coll Cr (if any):                                                             School(s) Accepting Credit:

    # Hrs Toward Prof. Cert. (if any): 0 Qualification Method: Course compl. w/specified grade
