District news

  • Choose your preferred communication methods with AHlert

    AHlert icon Anoka-Hennepin families now have the ability to choose their preferred communication method(s) for receiving automated messages. The service is being provided through a program called AHlert and will share items such as principal updates, lunch account balances and winter weather closings. 

    Families can choose whether they’d like to receive phone calls, text messages, email, or a combination of the three. Follow these step-by-step directions in the AHlert program to get started:

    1. Login to A-HConnect and select the AHlert icon.
    2. Once you’ve reached the AHlert screen, select the “calling preferences” link on the right-hand side.
    3. Check or un-check the “active” box to enable or disable delivery devices. 
    4. Click the “save changes” button on the bottom left.

    Note: If there is not a cell phone number listed in the system for you or the phone number or email shown is incorrect, please contact your child/children’s school(s).

    Families will still be able to receive winter weather-related school closing and other emergency information through the venues they’re familiar with (website, e-news, social media); this service is simply an addition to these regular communications.

    If you signed up to receive text notifications sometime in the last two years (called Weather Alert in 2013-14, AHlert in 2014-15), you’ll need to re-subscribe using the directions above.

    As always, call 763-506-HELP (4357) with questions.

Communication guidelines

  • Photo guidelines

  • Guidelines for e-news, web

  • Guidelines for social media