• Flyer Distribution

    Community groups requesting to distribute materials to Anoka-Hennepin School District students are required to submit an application and copy of the flyer for approval. The Anoka-Hennepin School Board requires approval of flyers to ensure that materials are appropriate to the school setting in a reasonable time, place and manner which does not disrupt the educational program or interfere with the educational objectives of the school district.

    Anoka-Hennepin School Board policy 904.0 allows the distribution of flyers in schools for organizations and groups that have a nonprofit 501(c)(3) status only.

    Flyer Guidelines

    In order for any materials to be considered for distribution, the organization / event / activity:

    • Must be appropriate to the school setting and youth and contribute to the positive academic, physical or social development of students.

    • Must be a local, non-profit organization

    • Must be within district boundaries or serve children within our district boundaries

    • Cannot advertise fundraising or contests for non-school organizations

    • Cannot be political 

    • Cannot be commercial

    Please note: Only one flyer distribution may be approved for each organization/event/activity per quarter.

    Flyer Approval 

    Please first read the Materials Distribution Application Instructions, then complete the Flyer Distribution Application Form and attach a copy of your flyer. Send your flyer to the Community Education office at least 10 business days prior to the anticipated distribution date. It is advised that organizations do not print their flyers for distribution until receiving approval, as changes may need to be made.

    Open House

    Anoka-Hennepin Community Education will now require a permit to display or distribute materials at school open house events.  PLEASE NOTE: It is up to the school to decide whether it allows organizations to distribute/display materials at its open house. Organizations will need to contact EACH SCHOOL prior to the open house to get permission to display or distribute materials.

    Please read Open House directions to see dates for submission and permits.
    Open House Application Form
  • Contact

    Community Education
    2727 N Ferry St., Anoka, MN 55303
    Phone: 763-506-1285
    Office hours: Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.