Budget reduction and realignment

  • Budget graphicA number of factors converged in early 2024 that led to the need to reduce district expenditures by $26 million. Anoka-Hennepin acted quickly in the spring to plan a two-phased budget reduction and realignment process.

    Factors impacting the district budget: The elimination of federal pandemic relief funds, higher than budgeted employee contract settlements, the impact of inflation on transportation and other operations, limited new revenue from state and federal sources and new requirements without funding support have developed a need to reduce expenditures by $26 million by the 2025-26 school year.  

    Proposed solutions: Anoka-Hennepin Schools have followed School Board direction to provide a reduction plan that cuts away from the classroom, particularly for the district’s youngest learners. The draft budget solution recommendations impact central services before schools with 53 percent of the reductions taking place at the district office/central services area, and 47 percent impact at the school level. The board is also studying a plan that would make additional central services and administrative cuts but spare reductions in schools allowing community members to decide on that impact through a levy referendum election in the fall of 2025.

    Two options have been proposed for School Board consideration:

    • Option 1: $21 million total reduction.

    • Option 2: Make additional central services/administrative reductions and authorize an operating referendum election in the fall of 2025.

    Looking ahead: Following robust community feedback for an initial draft plan, draft proposals are expected to be shared at the Monday, Oct. 29 school board meeting and eventually adopted at the Monday, November 25 school board meeting. This timeline is required ahead of key planning decisions on student registration and staffing decisions prior to the 2025-26 school year.  

    Provide feedback: School Board expectations provide for a process that encourages robust community and staff input prior to approval of the final recommendation. 

    View the presentation from the Sept. 23 school board meeting. A window to provide feedback during community engagement (Sept. 24-Oct. 9) is now closed. Feedback that was provided was reviewed by School Board members and district leaders to inform future decisions.

Be informed: Watch the budget presentation, attend a community meeting

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Does your reduction plan cut administration first, before cutting any classroom teachers?

  • Why don’t you just cut administration to address this problem?

  • What is LTFM and why is it being used to fund employee salaries?

  • I can pay for my student’s lunch and breakfast if that helps keep a teacher. Would that help?

  • Didn’t the school district receive “historic” funding from the state? Why is this all necessary?

  • Why are you considering cutting teachers at all?

  • In the Phase 2 referendum option, what are the details with the $10 million in strategic investments option?

  • Does this proposal change the schedule for middle school or high school students?

  • How will this proposal impact middle school programming?

  • I see the large reduction for intervention staff at the elementary level, a lower level at middle school and no reductions at high school. Why is that?

  • We just learned about the community meetings? Why did the district wait to announce the dates and locations?

  • Some people have said the district did not publicize the public meetings very well. What is your response to that?

  • How do you plan to ensure there is transparency for the public in this process?

Agenda items on recent School Board meetings

Related news

  • School Board action addresses $26 million budget gap for 2025-26 school year

  • Community review and comment process begins for Phase 2 budget reductions and realignment process

  • District to begin budget reduction and realignment process this spring