Welcome to our OVMS Choir Website. I teach Choirs 6, 7, & 8 and am the director of Pride Alive, our extra-curricular choir. I am in my 16th year of teaching and 9th here at Oak View Middle School.
Choir is a great opportunity for students to develop their own unique abilities and to work together as a team to create something greater than themselves. Choir is also a place for students to feel part of a community. Many students participate year after year and make lifelong friendships through their experiences in middle school and high school choirs.
This website will contain much of the valuable information needed for you and your child to stay informed on what is going in their choir. So please check back frequently for updates and important announcements!
Thank you for supporting the OVMS Music Department and your own child's education. I look forward to getting know your child and to encourage them on to excellence this year. Together we can help your child achieve success!
--Mrs. Olson, Director of Choirs
Anoka Hennepin School District has been named "Best Communities for Music Education" for the sixth year in a row. The award program recognizes outstanding efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, students and community leaders who have made music education part of the curriculum. Designations are made to districts and schools that demonstrate an exceptionally high commitment and access to music education. Congrats to our teachers, students, parents, administration, and community for earning this national award!
Beth Olson
Choral Director
Oak View Middle School
15400 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304elizabeth.olson@ahschools.us*
*Preferred method of communication
Teaching Schedule:
Day 1 Day 2 Period 1 Prep Prep Period 2 Choir 6 Choir 6 Period 3 Choir 6 Choir 6 Period 4 Choir 8 Choir 8 Period 5 Choir 7 Choir 7 Period 6 Prep Choir 7 Period 7 Choir 8 Choir 8