• Lighthouse Lighthouse Tutoring

    Where all students are invited to attend!

    What is Lighthouse?
    Free tutoring-help with your homework, understanding your class notes, how/what to study for tests.

    What are the Lighthouse goals?
    To increase: student achievement, homework turn in rate, test scores.
    To improve study habits.
    To motivate and promote.
    Who can participate?
    Any Anoka High School student.

    Who are the tutors?
    Anoka High School teachers, staff and peer volunteers.

    Anoka High School library media center (LMC).

    Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 to 5:15 p.m.

    How do I get home?
    Catch the activity bus home at 5:15 p.m.

    How do I sign up?
    You do not need to sign up for help, just show up ready to work.