• Why was my request for clock hours denied? 

    Most Common Reasons:


    1. Not all courses within Infobase are pre-approved for specific re-licensure requirements. The committee has searched Infobase and found those most closely matching PELSB requirements. Choosing a course from the pre-approved list ensures speedy approval.  (Infobase courses cannot be used for Flex PD)

    2.The submitted course did not meet the 2-hour minimum. 

    3. The course description provided is too vague or unavailable. The committee reads submissions for evidence that PELSB requirements were met. Requirements are linked here

    4.  The Certificate or transcript is not attached.


    Why must I have 2 hours in most of the required re-licensure areas?

    1. For most re-licensure areas, 2 hours is required for each component to renew every 5 years, a reasonable expectation given the time frame for completion. Suicide Prevention is one exception, with only one hour required.

    2. According to MDE, districts commonly require 10 hours for all 5 required re-licensure areas, which equates to about 2 hours per course. The only requirement specifically mentioned in MN statute for one hour is Suicide Prevention. The newest component, Cultural Competency, is actually recommended to run far longer. For example, MEA and AHEM require 8 hours in this area before they grant CEUs.

    3. Each area requires a significant amount of content, which is difficult to present effectively in just 1 hour.

    4. In addition to presenting the material, the statute requires time for participants to reflect on applications in their practice, ask clarifying questions, and explore the topics through interactive discussion.


    I’m planning a PD session. Where can I find more information to ensure participants get CEUs?

    Staff can reference the Anoka Hennepin Clock Hour Requirements when planning professional development. Aligning workshop learning targets to these criteria ensures they will meet re-licensure requirements for those in attendance.