• 2018 Cross Country Captains

    Nic Jacobson

    1. Why did you join Cross Country?
    2. What is your favorite part of Cross Country?
    3. What is your favorite Cross Country memory?
    4. What are your goals for this year?
    5. Why should kids join Cross Country?
    6. How has Cross Country impacted your life outside of the running part?

    Lauren Kern

    1. Why did you join Cross Country?
    I joined cross country to try something new and to give myself a new challenge.
    2. What is your favorite part of Cross Country?
    My favorite part of cross country is my teammates, my teammates quickly became my best friends and my family and its amazing to be able to run with them everyday and create memories that will last a lifetime.
    3.What is your favorite Cross Country Memory?
    My favorite cross memory was a year ago at team camp my Junior year, me, Hailey, Isabelle, and Ellen were sharing a room together.  Hailey and I are terrified of spiders. well there was a spider crawling in our room and Ellen instead of killing while we were yelling Ellen get it, kill it, she zipped it into her duffle bag and just let in crawl in there, me and Hailey could not believe what she had done but it was really funny.
    4. What is your goal for this year?
    My goals for this year is to end my senior year with the biggest PR possible and to prepare for college running.
    5. Why should kids join Cross Country?
    Kids should join cross country because it really gives you a family feel and it gives you so much support not only on the course but also in the classroom.  The team always has your back and that's a great feeling to have and a great thing to be apart of.  Cross country isn't just about competing and racing its also about gaining skills in life and becoming accountable and responsible.
    6. How has Cross Country impacted your life, outside of the running part?
    Cross country has impacted my life outside of the running part a great deal.  I fell in love with the atmosphere of this sport and I feel in love with team comraderie and joining this sport has made my high school career the best one I could ask for.  Some of my closest friends that I have today was from joining this sport, and I don't know what I would do without them so I thank this sport for giving me the closest friends I have and for giving me my dream to run college at Hamline University next fall.

    Phillip Marquardt

    1. Why did you join Cross Country?
    I joined to develop a camaraderie with a team and find a cool group of friends 
    2. What is your favorite part of Cross Country?
     I love the accomplishment that I feel after most meets when all of my teammates congratulate each other even if they had a bad race
    3. What is your favorite Cross Country memory?
    One the way home from sections the seniors sang "You're Gonna Miss me when I'm Gone" and it was a bittersweet end to the season.
    4. What are your goals for this year?
    Keep the competition with the varsity and top of JV boys strong 
    5. Why should kids join Cross Country?
    It’s a great way to find a group of peers that have similar ambitions, that strive for academic performance as well as their commitment to the team
    6. How has Cross Country impacted your life outside of the running part?
    Cross country has been a great way to find a passion in staying physically fit with an ambitious group that is competitive and rewarding.

    Hailey DelCastillo

    1. Why did you join Cross Country?
    I joined Cross Country because I quit soccer and was looking for another fun sport to try. 
    2. What is your favorite part of Cross Country?
    My favorite part about Cross Country is that I have never met nicer people in Cross Country. Not only are my teammates super nice and outgoing, but other teams are as well.
    3. What is your favorite Cross Country memory?
    My favorite Cross Country memory was at camp junior year. Lauren and I saw a spider in Ellen’s bag and we freaked out. After Ellen zipped up her bag, with the spider still inside it, Lauren and I ran out of the cabin in panic. The funniest part was that Ellen stayed calm and I didn’t think she would.
    4. What are your goals for this year?
    My goals this year were to beat my lifetime PR of 24:29 and I did by 5 seconds at the Milaca Mega meet.
    5. Why should kids join Cross Country?
    People should join Cross Country because it’s super fun, challenging and you make a lot of friends.  
    6. How has Cross Country impacted your life outside of the running part?
    I have made some really close friends in this sport who I think I will be friends with even after high school.

    Nathan Aamodt

    1. Why did you join Cross Country?
    2. What is your favorite part of Cross Country?
    3. What is your favorite Cross Country memory?
    4. What are your goals for this year?
    5. Why should kids join Cross Country?
    6. How has Cross Country impacted your life outside of the running part?