Essential ELA I Course Syllabus
Jackson Middle School
Teachers and Contact Information
Julie Moldan 763-506-5318 Julie.Moldan@ahschools.us
Purpose of this Class
This class is designed to assist in strengthening reading, writing, and vocabulary skills by completing tasks in the following daily activities:
- Thinking reading (an opportunity for students to SEE and HEAR expert readers reading and thinking strategically)
- Vocabulary activities and assessments (developing vocabulary using prefixes and roots to determine meaning)
- Reading strategies (text features/structures, making connections, inferences, and predictions)
- Writing Instruction (sentence writing)
Units of study
Trimester One
- Establish the course and routines
- Rewards program
Trimester Two
- Fundamentals in Sentence Writing
- Text Features/Structures
- Making Connections
Trimester Three
- Inferences
- Prediction Strategy
Essential Unit Learning Targets-
- I can break multi-syllabic words into familiar word chunks.
- I can apply strategies to comprehend reading material.
- I can identify text features to find the meaning of the text.
- I can identify letters and combinations of letters to make specific sounds in the English language.
- I can read fluently for comprehension of reading material.
- I can read fluently.
- I can use written communication with proper grammar and mechanics to promote fluency of communication.
- I can use a variety of sentence structures to convey meaning.
- In addition to our learning targets, we will focus on meeting your student’s individualized educational goals.
Student Materials
- Loose leaf paper/notebook
- Pencils/pens/highlighter
- 3-ring binder: 1.5”
- Set of 8 3-ring tab dividers
- Students are expected to bring a planner and a book of choice to class each day
Grading: Grades will be posted online.
30% Literature/Reading Assessments
30% Writing/Language Assessments
30% Vocabulary Assessments
10% Classwork
Grading Scale
90-100% A
89-80% B
79-70% C
69-60% D
59% and below F