• Alternative Math at Anoka High School


    Contact Information:


    Andrew Heidemann



    N-122 (Office)

    1st Tri: Prep 2nd Hour

    2/3rd Tri: Prep 4th Hour


    Course Description:


    In Alternative Math we will be following the same curriculum and goals as the mainstream classes. We will just be learning in a smaller environment with accommodations and modifications so all learners can be successful.




    Students will be graded in the following areas:

    Their final grades will also be weighted.


    Daily Work (Assignment):                                           20% of final grade


    Behavior/Participation:                                                20% of final grade


    Test (Assessments):                                                  50% of final grade


    Final Test:                                                                   10% of final grade


    Grade Configuration:


    A to A-: 100-90%

    B+ to B-:          89-80%

    C+ to C-:         79-70%

    D+ to D-:         69-60%

    F:                     59-0%

    NG: (Will be given if the student is not in class long enough to earn a grade)          

    P/F: (Can be arranged based on students performance on tests and participation in class)


    All work can be made up: All missing work can be re-done