Bengals in Action Leadership Team
Are you interested in Bengals in Action and want to take it to the next level? You might want to consider being a part of the leadership team. They plan the meetings, timelines for the projects and help direct the students. If you are interested please check out more information in the google classoom - xad575e.
Mission: To provide and lead volunteer opportunities and projects for Bengals in Action.
Vision: To engage the school and community in volunteerism, to impact the local community and the world.Who: 9th-12th grade students with the heart to make a difference, dedication to the group, and time to commit.When: The leadership team meets once per month. The leadership team is expected to lead the meeting, guide the discussion, and plan projects and meetings.Other: Part of leadership is documenting the impact. Communication with the school's news publications or broadcasts will also be expected.Become Involved: Chat with a friend who is already in leadership! We can't wait to see what you have to offer!