• The following are items you may see in a students gradebook for Physical Education.  An explanation for each is also included.  Please note that there are often two grades for each day of class.  These are to assess two different areas in the grading process.  The same note may be listed twice on each day (for example: A student that is absent will see the AB code in their Active Engagement and Personal/Social Responsibility grade for the same day.)


    AB = Absent  (Student was not in class: student needs to make this up) 


    MU = Absence Made Up (Student has handed in an acceptable make up sheet)


    XA = Student was excused from class physical activity


    EX = Excused Absence (student was excused from class)


    U2 = Unprepared for class 


    TR = Poor Transition During Class (student was tardy to class or took excessive time transitioning in and out of locker room)


    E1 = Minor Lack of Active Engagement (student was not fully engaged in activity; instructor had to redirect student back into activity)


    E2 = Partial Active Engagement (student active engagement is lacking; instructor had to redirect student multiple times)


    E3 = Minimal Active Engagement (student withdraws from active engagement; student does not show initiative to be involved)


    E4 = Extremely Poor Active Engagement (student made little to no effort to be involved in class activity)


    NR = Went to Health Services (student went to Health Services office and missed class activity)


    PS2 = Improper Personal/Social Responsibility (student had a minor infraction in this area)


    PS4 = Extremely Poor Personal/Social Responsibility (student had major infraction or multiple minor infractions in this area)


    JX = At school but not in Phy Ed class (student is at JMS, but has been pulled out for other reasons / students are excused for this time)


    MC = Modified Curriculum (student curriculum has been adjusted according to IEP or other plan) 



    grading codes