• EL Academic Discourse 9/10

    Class Syllabus 2019-2020




    Rhonda Munson





    • pencils / pens
    • eraser
    • folder / notebook paper
    • textbook / packet



    This class is designed to help English language learners strengthen their academic English through reading, writing, listening and speaking to be successful in their mainstream English class. They will participate through thoughtful and engaging topics, discussions, seminars, and formal writing assignments. 



    • Academic English is used in areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 
    • Language acquisition and production is critical for academic language development.
    • Increasing vocabulary and knowledge of English conventions helps with comprehension and production of academic English. 
    • Reading strategies support comprehension and language production.  
    • Inquiry, critical thinking, and academic skills are the foundational components of academic success.  



    Cell phones are not allowed in the classroom without the teacher’s permission.  The following will happen if a cell phone is not used appropriately:

    1. Verbal warning to put device in backpack
    2. Cell phone will be taken away for the rest of the hour
    3. Cell phone will be taken away for the entire day (including lunch)



    Formative -- 10%

    Summative -- 80%

    CSA -- 10%


    Grading Scale

    A = 93% or higher       B+ = 89.9% to 87%                 C+ = 79.9% to 77%    D+ = 69.9% to 67%   

    A-= 90% to 92.9%       B= 86.9% to 83%                    C= 76.9% to 73%        D= 66.9% to 63%

                                        B- 82.9% to 80%                     C-= 72.9% to 70%      D-= 62.9% to 60%

    Grades will be posted on A-H Connect throughout each trimester.


    Homework Expectations and Late Work:

    It is important for students to have their homework completed on time so that students are prepared for the learning in class each day. 


    Plagiarism: (see student handbook for more specific details)


    Turnitin.com is a website we use to scan for student plagiarism. All major papers will be submitted to this website. 


    Re-Take Policy:

    Students are allowed to re-take major tests after remediation at teacher discretion.


    Attendance Policy:

    Attendance is important! If students miss a class, they are responsible for making sure to complete all work. Students are allowed two days for each day absent. Students should write “ABSENT” at the top of the paper and the date absent.


    Tardy Policy:

    Students must be in the classroom when the bell finishes ringing, or it will be considered a tardy. The school policy is that 3 tardies = a referral.