Hi! My name is Tyler Schmidt, and I am a full-time 8th grade ELA teacher! I recently graduated from Bethel University in the spring of 2014 with a B.A. In Communication Arts & Literature Education. My student teaching was completed at both Anoka High School where I taught 9th, 11th, and 12th grade and Anoka Middle School for the Arts where I taught a variety of 6th grade courses. While in college I played basketball all four years as well as participated in other extracurricular activities such as jazz choir and writing for the school newspaper. It is my belief that every child can learn and achieve at high levels, and I know that through hard work and working together we will be able to accomplish great things! I look forward to meeting each and every student, parent, or guardian and expect to have meaningful contact so that these goals can be achieved. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have!
Below is a link to my agenda that will updated daily. This agenda includes a day-to-day class outline including activities, resources, handouts, and other important pieces of information necessary for keeping up to date on classroom happenings!
Thanks for stopping by!