Engineering: Aerospace and Design Syllabus
Teacher Name: Christine Best
Phone: 763-506-5242
Email: christine.best@ahschools.us
Engineering: Aerospace & Design is a Project Lead the Way (PLTW) course that focuses on hands-on discovery and exploration of two main topics: Flight & Space, and Design & Modeling.
In Design and Modeling, students discover the design process and develop an understanding of the influence of creativity and innovation in project design. Students will use and apply what they’ve learned through various design challenges, such as designing and building a puzzle cube, prototyping a medical device for a patient and building a Rube Goldberg machine, sometimes referred to as a chain reaction contraption.
In Flight and Space, students delve into the history of flight and space, discover the science behind aeronautics, and explore traveling and living in space. Projects include building a tetrahedral kite, making a paper glider, launching pop rockets, making and eating astronaut food, and creating a Mars Lander prototype.
Students will also be introduced to various software throughout the course such as 3D-CAD and on-line resources to provide enriched learning experiences.
Project Lead The Way
PLTW is a nationally recognized rigorous “hands-on” engineering-based program that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) into the same course. The Engineering: Aerospace & Design course is a yearlong class for both 7th and 8th grades that meets every other day.
Student expectations:
• Be on time
• Come prepared
• Be respectful
Grading scale:
• 70% assessments/project assessments
• 20% classwork and homework
• 10% trimester final project
Late Work:
• Late work will not be graded after the CSA is given for that trimester.
Class supplies:
• Pencils
• Notebook
• Folder