• JMS special education programs are developed based on student needs identified as part of their Individual Education Plan (IEP).  Listed below is a summary of some of the current courses taught in our special education program.


    Classes for students with Significant Reading, Writing, and Math Needs:

    These are mixed age classrooms that serve students with significant reading, writing, or math concerns and others who require a small group setting to be successful.  The curriculum is a modified curriculum, but still follows the Minnesota State Standards. Materials are provided for students and kept in the classroom.  Students in these classes work together as a group, or as members of smaller groups of like skills.  As a general rule, there is no homework in these classes, as the work is designed to be done during the school day.  Grades are determined by content mastery on an individual basis per IEP goals and objectives.


    Essential ELA Courses - Our Essential ELA classes address both reading and English.  Typically, students in these classes are below grade level in ELA and need additional instruction from a special education teacher to address the needs identified on their IEP.  Students are exposed to regular education curriculum but pace and instructional strategies used are based on student need.


    Essential Math Courses - We currently teach three levels of Essential Math courses, based on the needs of our students.  Students in these classes are typically below grade level in the area of math and need additional instruction from a special education teacher in order to address the goals identified on their IEP.  Students are exposed to regular education curriculum but pace and instructional strategies are based on student need.

    Essential Study Skills Courses – We currently offer this class in all three grade levels.   This class takes the place ofan elective.  In this class, students are taught study skills, time management skills, work completion and organization skills by a special education teacher. Students will also become active participants in learning how to track their progress and work completion through A-H Connect.

    Classes for students with Emotional, Organizational,Behavioral Needs

    These are mixed age classrooms that serve students who require a small group setting to be successful.  The curriculum is adapted as needed, yet still parallels the mainstream curriculum as much as possible.  The curriculum rotates through a three-year cycle. Materials are provided for students and kept in the classroom.  Students in these classes work together as a group, or as members of smaller groups of like skills.  As a general rule, there is no homework in these classes, as the work is designed to be done during the school day.  Grades are primarily determined not only by content mastery but by the student coming to class prepared with materials, on time, respect for teacher and peers, work effort, and work completion.  Summative tests are also included, as well as smaller, in class assignments.


    Alternative Courses - We currently offer the following Alternative Courses: Alt. Math, Alt. Skills, Alt. Reading, Alt. English and Alt.Study 


    Classes for students with significant needs to the extent that a more functional based curriculum is needed:

    These are mixed age classrooms that serve students with cognitive disabilities, as well as those with significant reading concerns and others who require a small group setting to be successful.  The curriculum is a modified curriculum, and still follows the modified Minnesota State Standards. The curriculum rotates on a three-year cycle.  Over the three years, the students will receive instruction in the same content subject areas as their peers, but not necessarily in the same order.  Materials are provided for students and kept in the classroom.  Students in these classes work together as a group, or as members of smaller groups of likes kills.  As a general rule, there is no homework in these classes, as the work is designed to be done during the school day.  Grades are primarily determined not only by content mastery but by the student coming to class prepared with materials, on time, respect for teacher and peers, work effort,and work completion.  Summative tests are also included, as well as smaller, in class assignments.


    RIL Classes: Resource Independent Living Classes (currently offered in Math, English, Social Skills, Reading,Science and Social Studies**): Courses for students with significant needs to the extent that a more functional based curriculum is needed.  The academic content is aligned with modified grade level standards, but the delivery is much more hands-on and project-based.  There is typically no homework in these classes.  All work is completed in class.  These students are working on skills necessary for independent living. The class is taught by a special education teacher and supported by paraprofessionals. Placement in these classes is typically based on MAP test score or IEP team decision. Most of these students take the MTAS test in lieu of the MCA test.  

    **Our Science and Social studies classes are offered in the mainstream setting.  These classes are staffed with a special education teacher and a special education paraprofessional who work directly within the classroom to modify materials and work for our students. 

    ***FIELD TRIPS:  Students will attend field ripsaligned to curriculum areas versus grade level content.  Social field trips will continue to be at grade level. 


    Classes for students with the most severe cognitive deficits:

    Functional life skills and vocational classes focus primarily on students who are working on basic self-care, job skills, and behavior goals and objectives.  These students work on IEP goals with staff.  At the middle school level, we attempt to get students out of the classroom and into the mainstream of our building to accomplish these goals.  This is to prepare students for future employment and living environments. In addition, we add a music component to the 7th period class to work on social skills, choice making, and music appreciation.


    Functional Courses (offered in Math, Reading,English, Vocational Skills, Community, Social Skills, and Life Skills) These courses are for students with the most severe cognitive deficits.  These courses are highly individualized based on needs.  Students taking functional courses will likely live and work in a supported environment. The class is taught by a special education teacher and supported by paraprofessionals.