Online Textbook
Our textbook is online for your use. It has access to worksheets, examples, videos and various other help tools. You will need the username and password to log in. Please request this information from your teacher. A non-password protected version of the book is located at http://go.hrw.com
Khan Academy
This site has some great videos to watch for help on various topics. There are wonderful practice options too. Check it out! -
This site is excellent! It has a variety of links to homework help on fractions, decimals, exponents and much more! -
This site has some fun videos to help with a variety of math topics (and other subjects too). You will need a username and password to log in. Please request this information from your teacher.
MAP Test Prep
This site has various lessons and games to help with each specific area of the MAP test. Take a look around and see what might help you! -
An Introduction to Algebra
This site has some great information and examples on beginning algebra problems. Check out the info on integers, exponents, equations, and much much more!