• Welcome to the Art for 6th Grade Web Page!

    So that you can get an idea of what we are doing in art class or to go to a specific day's plan in class you can go to the Daily Plans and Sketchbook Assignment Page. This is what students see each day at the start of class.

    Online grades can be viewed at Grades/AHConnect.

    You need to be registered to do this. I post grades as often as makes sense in my class, usually after each project. That works out to about each month or so. To see how the student is doing as they progress on the projects, I will also post the score for the Planning Sheet and other formative assessments which do not count towards the final overall trimester grade.

    When I enter late work it immediately updates the online grades as well, so check back after you believe your student has turned in work.

    Course Outline(Still needs to be linked)
    Pictures of Student Work(Still needs to be linked)