• school picture My name is Christy Gilbertson and I am the curriculum integrator at Jackson Middle School.  Jackson is a specialty school for math and science and I work with teachers to integrate math and science into their course curriculum. I also coordinate integrated learning opportunities at each grade level, oversee on and off-site student experiences, and implement and support specialty school initiatives. 
    I am a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse where I majored in broad-area science and secondary education, and the University of St. Mary's where I earned a masters degree in education.  I have been a teacher in the Anoka-Hennepin School District since 2002, spending most of my years teaching seventh grade life science at Jackson Middle School. I began my role as curriculum integrator in the fall of 2019.
    Phone: 763-506-5226
    Email: christy.gilbertson@ahschools.us