• Frequently asked questions

    Click any question below for more information:

    What are Oak View's school hours?

    At Oak View, the 2014-15 student day will be from 8:25 to 3:05. Students may not be in the main part of the building before 8:00 a.m. without a pass from a teacher, but may wait in the entry way if they need to be dropped off earlier than that time. After regular school hours, students either need to be at a school-sponsored activity, with a teacher, or leave the building within ten minutes after the end of the school day.

    Is there a school supply list?

    Yes, the school supply list can be found on this website. Supplies required may vary from grade to grade, and some teachers may request additional supplies after the school year starts or as the year goes on.

    What is the purpose of an agenda book?

    An agenda book is provided by the school each year for each student and serves several purposes:
    • It provides a place for students to write down and keep track of assignments
    • It can serve as a place for communication between home and school
    • It contains a section for passes for traveling around the school
    • It lists school policies and procedures, and contains a school calendar.
    Students are required to carry the agenda book with them at all times, and need to purchase a replacement if they lose it.

    How is student math placement determined?

    Sixth grade math students could be in any one of these math courses: Middle School Pre-Algebra, Middle School Pre-Algebra Block, or Middle School Algebra. Student placement is based on MAP scores and MCA scores in math the previous spring. More students are placed in Middle School Pre-Algebra than any of the other courses.

    After sixth grade, most students continue in the math track of math courses in which they have initially been placed, but MCA and MAP scores are considered for unusual circumstances, or for movement in or out of block classes.

    How is reading placement determined?

    At Oak View, and all Anoka-Hennepin middle schools, students have reading, but it is part of a class called "English Language Arts" or ELA, which also includes materials from a typical English class. There is an Advanced ELA class for students who have scored very high on the ELA-related portions of their MAP tests and MCA tests the previous spring. In addition, there are many opportunities for enrichment within the regular ELA class. Also, all students are expected and required to do independent reading (in books of their choice and at their reading level) throughout the year as part of their ELA work.

    Of course, students with special needs in reading and language arts get extra help as necessary. Students who could use a boost in their reading skills may be placed in a class called Reading Strategies. This class is in addition to the regular ELA class. Reading Strategies meets in small groups, reinforces what happens in the regular class, and this class does not have homework - all work is completed during class.

    How does lunch work at Oak View?

    Oak View's cafeteria serves quality meals to a large number of students each day. The lunch menu can be found by clicking "Secondary Lunch Menu" under "Parent/Student Info" above and to the left. Each day students have new meal choices, as well as as choices for salads, hamburgers, chicken or veggie burgers, or pizza. Students also have the option of selecting some snack-type items during lunch. And of course, students can bring their own lunches to eat. By the way, all food and drinks need to stay in the cafeteria. No eating of snacks is allowed in other parts of the building for cleanliness and health reasons. To see the lunch menu, click here.

    What is Oak View's schedule like?

    Students at Oak View have a seven period day.  Most classes meet every day, but some meet every other day.  Complete schedule information.

    How is honor roll determined?

    At Oak View we have an A honor roll and a B honor roll. The honor rolls are based on a student's grade point average (GPA) for the current term, and include the grades for all of a student's courses from that trimester. The average is computed using a weighting system, with credits being based on the number of minutes a course meets, as well as on the frequency that the course meets (every day or every other day). To achieve the A honor roll, a student's GPA needs to be between 3.5000 and 4.0000. In order to earn a place on the B honor roll, a student's GPA needs to be between 3.0000 and 3.4999. The honor roll for each trimester is published a few weeks after the end of the trimester, after all grades have been finalized.

    What about bad weather and school closings?

    It is important to understand that closing school due to weather is a school district decision, not an Oak View decision, and that decision has an impact on over 38,000 students and their families. Normally, school is where students belong on a school day, and the decision to close school is not taken lightly. Our superintendent considers the safety of students traveling to school as it compares to keeping students home, which of course means there are many families of elementary age students who would need to scramble for child care or make other arrangements. Listen to the radio or TV news, or check the school district website for information on school closings.

    For official district information on school closings.