School counselors
A school counselor can help you:
- With personal problems.
- Understand personal relationships.
- Develop positive self-esteem.
- Learn to recognize and accept individual uniqueness and differences.
- Cope with family disturbances.
- In crisis situations.
- Learn to manage stress.
- Select appropriate courses.
- Make the transition from one level of school to the next.
- With academic concerns.
A school counselor can teach you:
- Conflict resolution skills.
- Decision-making skills.
- Study skills.
A school counselor can also:
- Provide support groups that allow students to discuss issues of concern.
- Register and orient new students to school.
- Assist teachers with student concerns.
- Assist parents with concerns regarding their children.
- Make referrals to outside agencies.
Tracey LandbergGrade 6(L-Z) & Grade 7(All)tracey.landberg@ahschools.us763-506-5798Tami SoensGrade 6(Last Names A-K) & Grade 8(All)tami.soens@ahschools.us763-506-5621