• Major Outcomes:
    •Investigate online marketing tools such as internet forums, message boards, blogs,wikis, podcasts, picture sharing, video sharing, and social networking 
    • Develop and use your web design and graphic design skills to create professional, up-to-date web sites that are pleasing to the eye and easy to use
    Projects, Activities, etc.: It’s all about Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, QR codes and apps. Learn how to use these new digital and social media tools in the world of business. Plan, design, and create multi-page websites.
    Instructional Focus: Hands-on computerized activities
    Co-curricular Connection: BPA
    Articulated Credit: Click here
    College Credit: Students must meet a 85% benchmark throughout the secondary trimester course to earn an articulated credit 
    Credit Recommendation: 3 credit semester hours in Introduction to Business (BUSN 1101), (BUSN 1000), or (BUSN 1105)


    List of Cooperating Colleges: Click Here