Chemical Health Support FAQ
How do I get connected with chemical health support?
Reach out to your school counselor, social worker or district chemical health prevention specialist, Josh VanHeuveln:
Will parents/guardians be contacted regarding chemical health support services?
If a student receives a chemical health violation at school, parents/guardians will be advised of school support services for student success. Other support staff may also connect the student with one of our supports if they deem it helpful and necessary, making every effort to connect with parent/guardian when possible.
Is there a cost to these services?
No. All school-based chemical health support is at no cost to the student. If through engagement with one of the chemical health support providers there is a recommendation a student should have a formal chemical health assessment, the parent/guardian will be informed. Parents/guardians are responsible for any costs associated with any community services they may receive. If cost is a concern, parents/guardians should check with their insurance provider and/or the community agency to see if a sliding scale is available.
Will my information be kept confidential?
All information shared with our chemical health support staff will remain confidential, however, mandated reporting will be followed.
Where can I find additional community resources?