Student Profile for Chemical Health Support

  • Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation (HBFF) is a leading substance use treatment provider that offers specialized programs and services for adolescents, teens and young adults struggling with substance use. As a school-based provider, HBFF is able to offer individualized support by licensed professionals to help students gain a better understanding of their substance use and find ways to help students identify the need to change and the negative effects that have resulted from their use. Since substance use knows no boundaries, HBFF can support families as well. The role in Anoka-Hennepin Schools is to:

    1. Support those students who may have a history of substance use and have had identified
      negative consequences (school violation, community violation, family discord, school issues).
    2. Assess a student's readiness to change, identify barriers and gain insight into their patterns
      of behavior.
    3. Support families in finding community resources and helping them through the process.

    Profile of a student who would benefit from individual support: 

    • A student who has received more than one chemical health violation in both school and/or the community.
    • A student who has used a mood-altering substance for a longer period of time (6-plus months).
    • A student who has been through substance use treatment yet continues to use.
    • A student who is unwilling to stop their use despite the negative consequences.

    Know the Truth (KTT) is a prevention program that aims at reducing risk factors and strengthening protective factors to minimize and help reduce a young person’s struggle with substance use. Support groups are facilitated by a Peer Recovery Support Specialist who has their own personal experience with substance use and can attest to the importance of support. The role in AH schools is to:

    1. Support students who have self-identified as having minimal challenges with their substance use and would like support and guidance with abstinence.
    2. Support students who have been through a substance use treatment program by helping them continue to use learned skills to avoid relapse and remain in recovery.
    3. Support students who are dealing with a loved one's own substance use.

    Profile of a student who may benefit from group support:

    • A student with minimal substance use and is still in the “experimenting" or “exploring” phase.
    • A student who has received a first time violation for substance use, in the community or in school.
    • A student who has self-identified that they think their use is getting out of hand.
    • A student who struggles with being around others who use and would like support on how to navigate and build confidence in refraining from use.

    Note: A student may request to receive support from one or both partners. A student may self-refer with the understanding that final placement will be a mutual decision between the student and the chemical health partner.