• Accelerated Basketball 1 and 2 are advanced Physical Education classes offered at Blaine High School. There are prerequisites of passing PE 1 and PE2 in order to take an elective class such as Accelerated Basketball 1 or 2. 

    Accelerated Basketball I:

    • Focus is on skill development and understanding of rules/concepts.

    Accelerated Basketball II:

    • Focus in on utilizing skills within a team concept.


    Course Understandings

    Motor Skills/Movement Concepts:

    • Concepts and skills used and acquired in Accelerated Basketball are skills that are applicable beyond this course setting.
    • A variety of motor skills and movement patterns are essential for basketball.
    • There are different movement concepts and strategies in individual, and team activities and games.

     Social Responsibility:

    • Reliable and responsible behavior will result in a positive experience.
    • Personal actions affect others and the environment.
    • Teamwork and social interaction skills are necessary in all aspects of life.


    • Fitness levels can be achieved in individual, and team activities.
    • Individual, and team activities can be enjoyed throughout life.
    • Being physically active can help contribute to a healthy lifestyle.


    For additional class information please click links below:

    Elective PE Classes Syllabus

    Standards Based Grading Parent Information