English 11A: American Literature
Trimester 1
Ms. Woetzel
Course information
Required for graduation? YES
Required materials: Notebook, folder, writing utensil
E-mail: meckenna.woetzel@ahschools.us
Course description/objectives: Part one of this required course will focus on critical literacy and thinking skills emphasized during literary analysis. We will also work on the writing process, grammar, speaking and listening throughout the trimester.
Course Outline:
- Reading
- Argumentation
Standards-based Focus: Standards-based grading focuses on student skill acquisition, intense teacher feedback, and repetitive practice in gaining mastery. It is quite different than the traditional lecture -> assignment -> points -> averaged-letter-grade system. Standards-based grading is district-wide initiative. Please do not hesitate to ask questions!
Standards-Based Scoring: Assessments for the course will be scored using rubrics based on standards and learning targets from the state and district level. Students will receive consistent feedback in the form of teacher comments and identified skill acquisition based on these rubrics. Students will have opportunities to resubmit significant assignments.
Weighted Categories
10% District Summative Assessment
5% Independent Reading
35% Literary Analysis
35% Writing Effective Arguments
15% Evaluation of Arguments
Grading Scale
93-100% A
90-92% A-
87-89% B+
83-86% B
80-82% B-
77-79% C+
73-76% C
70-72% C-
67-69% D+
63-66% D
60-62% D-
0-59% F
Grades will be posted on A-H Connect.
It is the student’s responsibility to keep all returned work until they are satisfied with the final grade. Because standards-based grading places an emphasis on skill mastery, you will be given more than one opportunity to show mastery of a task IF you complete all necessary notes and “non-gradebook” assignments leading up to summative assessments. Students who choose not to complete assignments will not earn the opportunity to re-submit assessments.
Class Work
Completing practice assignments and formative assessments are crucial as we work on skills that build toward understandings and your ability to demonstrate what and how much you’ve learned (and receive a grade equivalent to your growth and learning). Therefore, all class work is critical and must be turned in so I can monitor your learning.
Blaine High School English Department Academic Honesty Policy
The MN State Standards require that all students “integrate information into [a] text…avoiding plagiarism …and following a standard format for citation.” The English Department at BHS is committed to teaching students the necessary tools for complying with these academic expectations in their writing, research, discussion, and presentation. Plagiarism will result in a 0 grade for the copied assignment. Students can opt to redo the assignment on a different topic after completing a plagiarism tutorial in the writing lab.
A textbook will be kept in the classroom for student use but may be checked out by filling out the book card and turning it into me. Students will be held responsible for any damages.
You are responsible for any work missed on the date of your absence. Most assignments are posted on the google classroom site, so please check the site from the day(s) of absence before asking “what did we do yesterday?”
Any student not in his or her seat when the bell rings may be marked tardy. Don’t be tardy.
Respect: yourself, others, learning, and the classroom.
Laugh: often.
Please follow the student handbook rules and guidelines for student expectations; they will be enforced throughout the trimester.