• Scores:  Your scores will be available early July, use your login Personal Code and Pin (on the pink business card) to log into candidates.ibo.org to see your scores


    Action Steps:  When you get to college you will need to do the following:


    • Check with the registrar’s office to make sure they received your scores.   (Your scores are sent to the school you indicated to us during May exams, but they have to download them as a school)
    • If they received your scores:


          1. GREAT… now ask them what credit you’ll be receiving from those scores
            1. They should have a clear credit policy that indicates how credit is awarded (search online for the “School Name IB Credit” and the policy should be easy to find)
            2. If you are told you will not receive credit then ask “how can I appeal for credit”?
              1. They may tell you:
                1. You need to fill out an appeal
                2. You need to talk to the department leader
                3. You need to submit a copy of the course syllabus or a teacher recommendation
            3. If you are told you can’t appeal, or you try to appeal and you feel like you still should have received credit, then please contact the IB Office at CPHS so we can help you further reach out to try to receive credit if possible (763-506-6912)


    • If they did not receive your scores:


        1. DON’T PANIC… ask them how you can submit your scores to them  (you can always go onto ibo.org and search “transcript” to submit your IB transcript to any school)
        2. Once your scores are received (you may have to check back again after you submit to make sure they got them) then return to (b)  above for how to try to get credit for your scores